Might as well write my closed season update now, I'm not going fishing again before the start of the season. And not even fishing at the start of the season as I'll be away. Anyway, it won't do me any harm to miss the opening week rush and allow things to settle down a bit. Plus I can let everyone else make some swims for me.

A quiet closed season on the fishing front. Spent some time fishing for perch at a semi-commercial fishery, mostly unsuccessful. One

decent perch which had recently spawned and loads of small ones. A few carp and a shed load of tench...they do like their prawns.
Had a couple of days at a local estate lake tenching and had a few up to 7lb 6oz and some nice bream.

In reality, a lot more golfing than fishing, managed to shave a bit off my handicap - came down from 8.4 to 6.6 and just starting to find a bit of form now...